3 Coffeemate Creamers (used 3 $.50 off coupons and super coupon)
3 Snyders Pieces (used 3 $1.00 off coupons)
2 Bar-S 3-lb smoked sausages (super coupon-ended being a mistake...I thought they were .99, but they were 2.97...I have taken them out of the running to keep as close to $50 as possible, but it is a good deal, and they will be good for bbq's this summer. They are more upscale than my regular dogs!)
2 6pk Motts applesauce
1 Motts applejuice
2 Sobe lifewater (I used a printed BOGO coupon)
2 Gogurt (used $1 off 2 Go-gurt)
10 Kraft Mac-n-cheese
4 ziploc containers (used 2 $1.50 off 2 containers...got 2 $2 catalinas for next purchase)
4 Crystal Light to-go
2 Safeway Frozen Fruit Bars (super coupon)
1 Kraft Dressing (used $.55 off coupon)
1 Pantene gel (there is a tower with discounted Pantene products... $.99 and I had $1 coupon)
I got MEAT!!!
1 Roast and 2 London Broil steaks!!!
I think I got everything...you see the picture...
Total: $36.93 and I got 2 $2 catalinas for my next trip from Ziploc
Then I turned around and did my next trip! I wanted Little Swimmers swim diapers for my 19 month old...
1 package of Little Swimmers $8.99
(I had $1.5o internet coupon, $1.50 ecoupon on my club card, and my $4 in catalinas)
I paid $1.49!!!
I say that was a well worth it trip, and I did it WITHOUT kids!!! SO nice!!
I'm so proud of you! and jealous!! Robert banned me from couponing until I get back. He said packing is my priority...it's so hard to watch some of the deals go by :( Great job girl!!