Yes...that is a TREE behind my son!
Micah and I were on our own today. Daddy went with Gavin and the Aunties (Steve's sisters) to the Goonies 25th Anniversary thing in Astoria (long drive for one day, but they loved the Goonies). So after church, Micah took his nap and woke up and he played outside while Mommy did some clean-up stuff. Nothing too fantastic, but I did something today at the very least! I wanted to go see if Rite Aid had tomato supports. I didn't find them, but I didn't ask either. I figure the boys and I can head to Walmart tomorrow for them.
So here is what I did/got:
1 Pear Tree marked down to $5.99
2 Pampers Wipes (-2 $2 coupons from today's paper)
1 Gillette for men face lotion (-$2 coupon from today's paper)
6 Stride gums (3 regular, 3 "shift" used 3 Buy one, get free shift gum coupons)
1 Lubriderm lotion (in Micah's hand...used $1 off coupon and $3 off in-ad coupon)
You should also know that I went to Rite Aid this morning and got one other lubriderm lotion for free! This one cost me $.29, so that is not bad, either!
Used $5 off $25 coupon from Video Values at www.riteaid.com
Yeah...all of that for $8.56!!!!
I will also get a $2 rebate (though single check rebates at www.riteaid.com) for the face lotion!! :-) The Lubriderm, along with this morning's purchase and some suncsreen I bought last week will add to my Skin Care rebate of $10 gift card when you buy $25 worth of certain products! (I am at $17.57 now.)
I think last year Grant had to go to Van Well (sp?) to get our tomoato supports! That will be so fun when the tree grows fruit!