Oh yes! I have sucked my sister into my little hobby!
Here is what she sent me...
So I bought...
2 boxes of Huggies Little Movers (76 each) $19.79 ea
1 bag of Huggies Little Movers (31) $ 8.99
1 bag of Huggies Cucumber & Green Tea Wipes (184 cnt) $ 5.99
Total: 54.56
2 $3.00 off Huggies Diapers (Target.com)
$3.50 off Huggies Diapers & Wipes Purchased (Target.com)
.50 off Huggies Wipes (MFR Coupon from joining Huggies.com)
$2.00 off Huggies Diapers (MFR coupon)
2 $3.00 off Huggies Diapers (MFR Coupon)
Total after coupons: $36.56
Plus, they gave me a $5.00 gift card for buying 2 big packs!
A Christian mother of two, along with her brilliant, talented, godly, mommy-club girlfriends, wants to share her love for her Savior, her husband, her children and her hobbies. This blog is meant to inspire, uplift, encourage, and all of those positive things, but it is also a chance to let other moms say that phrase that brings true fellowship: "I am SO glad other moms/wives/women screw up, too!!"

Hope for Tomorrow, Grace for Today...what it means...
For in this HOPE we are saved. But HOPE that is seen is no HOPE at all. Who HOPES for what he already has?
~Romans 8:24
And if by GRACE, then it is no longer by works; if it were, GRACE would no longer be GRACE.
~Romans 11:6
~Romans 8:24
And if by GRACE, then it is no longer by works; if it were, GRACE would no longer be GRACE.
~Romans 11:6
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