I actually did some scrapbooking this weekend! With my hubby gone, one boy away and the other asleep Friday evening, I was able to get some much needed scrapping done.
Yes...these pictures are from last June. Yes...I only got 2 pages done while nibbling on chocoloate frosting covered chocolate graham crackers. Yes...I feel accomplished.
My scrapping philosophy may make many of you out there feel much better about your progress.
For starters...I don't think there are people out there that can't scrapbook. There are those who do not want to scrapbook, and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't like to garden or play sports. So I understand not having interest. However, if someone has any bit of interest, I think they can scrapbook. There are wonderful how-to guides, idea books, online tutorials and more that make it easier everyday to scrapbook even if you do not consider yourself crafty.
I have seen the overwhelming side of scrapbooking, and I know of many who feel as though they could never get "caught up," and with this threat looming over their heads, they simply give up.
I am here with good news! You can start scrapbooking from any point in history that you wish! There are no rules. There are great suggestions, but there are no rules. There are aesthetics guidelines, but they are not rules. I do not like the concept of being "caught up" on scrapbooking any more than I like the idea of being "caught up" on laundry and dishes. There will be always be more photos, dirty clothes and dirty dishes! YOU ARE NEVER CAUGHT UP!! But you can take whatever amount of time you wish, work at whatever project you wish and call it good whenever you wish. IT IS FOR YOU!
So Friday night, I took these pictures from the page protector I stored them in until I was ready, and I scrapped only those pictures. When I got done, I was satisfied because I had a chance to relive the 2 days that those pictures captured. I also got to expel some creative energy and swim in my paper and stamps for a while. I had a great time!
Soon I will post on how I tackle scrapbooking. I get asked alot about how to arrange the albums and what to do for your kids. I also get asked about photo organization. I hope to share this with you soon! Thanks for reading! (If anyone does!?!?) ;-)