4 Herbal Essence products
Backpack: $14.99
A Christian mother of two, along with her brilliant, talented, godly, mommy-club girlfriends, wants to share her love for her Savior, her husband, her children and her hobbies. This blog is meant to inspire, uplift, encourage, and all of those positive things, but it is also a chance to let other moms say that phrase that brings true fellowship: "I am SO glad other moms/wives/women screw up, too!!"
I also wanted to share my fun project from yesterday! I have been very convicted by all the design shows about having framed mirrors in bathrooms and non-ugle fixtures. I have to say that our fixture was way-ugly. (Do you see the redeemingly cute boy, though??)
So...I decided I needed a frugal fix for my design dilemma. I had my wonderful, handy dad make me a frame to mount over the mirror. I painted it with the paint I used to paint the vanity a while back (along with a cute fork and spoon for my kitchen) and I hung it, and I mounted and wired the new fixture all by myself, too! I got the fixture at Walmart for $30 (no guilt there!). Gavin had to stand in the hallway to tell me when I had found the right switch to turn off power to the bathroom light--no electrocution in this house, thank you very much!
A few tips...If your new fixture is not as long as your previous, then there will be some paint issues (as you can see, there is the end of the white rectangle on the left side of the light!). Another tip is that if you are going to mount a frame over your mirror, paint the back. It is impossible to get it totally flush and the back of the frame (complete with small bits of paint and stuck on newspaper) will show in the mirror! Yes...I learned this by bringing in the frame, holding it in place and noticing my error. I took it back outside and painted the back!
Next item on the list...I need to get a quart of the paint I used for painting the bathroom from my family's building supply, Lester Sales!